Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break & Other News

I trust you've all had a great Spring Break with your children.  

I of course traveled to my grandmother's funeral and then my mom returned with me for a few days.  I had a good chuckle last night as she made her way off to bed, and she said, "Make sure you don't go to bed too late honey."

Further proof that motherhood never ends!

Report Cards
Thanks again for your patience this week as I've just returned from visiting my family and celebrating my grandmother's life.

I will be tackling report cards in the coming weeks and will be sure to contact you if I'm missing any information.

Please note that re-enrollment for the 2015/2016 year is now available.  If you are planning to continue on with HCOS next year this is a good time to start and get the re-enrollment process completed.

HCOS invites you to join us at Surrey 4Cats ArtStudio

Join us for a great mix of hands-on visual art projects.  Students will do polymer clay creations, graffiti paintings, and canvas paintings  during this four week visual art learning camp at 4Cats Art Studio - Clayton Heights. Please arrange for an adult to stay with any child who might need extra help.

Payment and registration deadline is April 8th.

For more information and to register: 

HCOS invites you to join us for the Theatre Production of "The Lion King"

More than 70 million people around the world have experienced the phenomenon of Disney’s The Lion King, and now you can, too, when Vancouver’s best-loved musical returns to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.  Hope you can join us! 

Payment and registration deadline is April 7th.
For more information and to register:

Monday, March 9, 2015


PE ideas for Homeschoolers

So far on the blog we've talked about ideas for Social Studies, Writing, Art, Bible and this week here are some ideas on how to keep Daily Physical Activity engaging for your children.

For those of you not living on big plots of land it's sometimes difficult to know how to keep your kids engaged. For creative ideas check out this blog:

Want some more ideas?  Here is a neat website from a fellow homeschool mom:

Good luck on keeping your kids active and healthy!


HCOS invites you to participate in a Fort Langley Brigade Days Learning Camp with Selah Outdoor Explorations as our guide.

You don't want to miss this unique 3 day opportunity to live like a Hudson Bay Company Trapper.  Our experience will echo events from the past when HBC trappers arrived at the Fort by canoe on the Fraser River with their furs.

 For more information, please go to

HCOS invites you to join us for
Fort Langley Drama

**March 1- 6 spaces left

This course will inspire young people to freely express themselves through imaginative play, creative movement and the enactment of stories.  Using a series of play-building exercises, students will gain confidence as they explore God’s wonderful gift of imagination.
It would be great to have you join us!  Should you have any further questions, please contact

HCOS invites you to join us at
A Rocha Environmental Centre
Join us at A Rocha Environmental Centre for a day of interactive learning.  Explore plants and animals to see how they survive in their habitats followed by a more indepth look at the Diversity of Life across three ecosystems and how organisms adapt to their environments. Please bring a healthy lunch and water bottle as there will be a lunch break  halfway through the day. This learning camp will run rain or shine, so please wear weather appropriate clothing. Look forward to seeing you there!

Should you have any further questions, please contact


Returning to Trust
- By Henri J.M. Nouwen, From Fear to Love
In my own life I well know how hard it is for me to trust that I am loved, and to trust that the intimacy I most crave is there for me. I most often live as if I have to earn love, do something noteworthy, and then perhaps I might get something in return.

This attitude touches the whole question of what is called in the spiritual life, the "first love." Do I really believe that I am loved first, independent of what I do or what I accomplish? This is an important question because as long as I think that what I most need I have to earn, deserve and collect by hard work, I will never get what I most need and desire, which is a love that cannot be earned, but that is freely given.

Thus, my return is my willingness to renounce such thoughts and to choose to live more and more from my true identity as a cherished child of God.

Henri's Signature