Monday, January 12, 2015

Into a New Year: Happy 2015!

January 12 -February 20 FSA testing for grade 4-7 students
January 30 -Feb. 1 Missions Fest -Vancouver  (Visit the HCOS Booth)
February 20-28: Term Two portfolios 


Learning Commons: Here is the link to our January  Learning Commons Newsletter, with curriculum articles, upcoming events and a Overdrive webinar invite for this Thursday for your training interest, and to share with your families.  This webinar is related to technical issues downloading materials.

HCOS Blended Learning Commons would like to invite you to a Virtual subscriptions webinar with Jim Foss (Director of  This webinar will outline some of the Biblical content, as well as how to use effectively.  If you have not heard about this new subscription, please contact your teacher who can supply you with the link invite.  For more information on the subscription check out the page at our learning commons site.

Who: Staff/parents and students.
 When:  Wednesday 1pm –2pm PAC time.  Please log in 15 minutes early to check your sound.  
 Where:  Blackboard Classroom Link:
BC's Renewable & Non-Renewable Resources:
This class is an introduction to renewable and non-renewable resources in British Columbia, featuring activities that will help children understand how resources are harvested and processed, how resources are classified as living and non-living and how resources are effectively and responsibly used.  Students will have a better appreciation for God's creation as they analyze data, investigate environmental issues, and learn conservation techniques.

Date: February 18, 25, March 4, 11, 2015
Time: 1-2:30pm
Place: Teacher's home (18783 63 Avenue, Surrey)
Suitable for Grade 3-6

Folk Dancing:
Folk dancing has been part of Canadian cultural experience for generations.  It has been the prime activity at family weddings, weekend community hall gatherings and family celebrations through the years.  We will enjoy learning traditional country dances from many parts of Canada.  It will be great exercise, lots of fun and historically rich!
Date: February 18, 25, March 4, 11, 2015
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Place: Teacher's home (18783 63 Avenue, Surrey)
Suitable for Kindergarten-Grade 7

Payment and registration deadline for both camps is February 10th.

Vive Les Voyageurs
Camp description:
Transport your students to a world where French-Canadian fur traders thrived in 1840s Fort Langley.  From the moment your students arrive, they will be caught up in the excitement of the 1840s French-Canadian culture that thrived at Fort Langley, and continues to thrive today in British Columbia.

Date: January 23, 2015
Time: 12:30-2:30pm (Please arrive at 12:20pm)
Place: Fort Langley (23433 Mavis Avenue, Fort Langley)
Suitable for all ages
Heritage Community student cost: $11
General Community student cost: $12
Preschoolers: $11
Adults: $11 (one per family)
**Please note that this is not a drop-off event, parents are required to stay with their children.

Payment and registration deadline is January 12th.  To register:

The Devotional this week comes from HCOS Individualized Program Director, Bruce Hildebrandt.  Please enjoy!

We often look at society’s definition of success: fame, money, position, power, beauty, the completion of goals. It’s easy to be drawn into that mindset. In the eyes of the world, success is self-centered, it’s “me-centered”.  My personal finances, my personal beauty, my individual power, my personal fame and glory, my accomplishments. It’s all about “me”.

I've always appreciated this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson regarding success. I know that it’s not scripture and that it far from summarizes God’s picture of success for us, however, I like that it re-frames and refocuses us regarding things that are truly important.


To laugh often and much,
To win respect of intelligent people, and the affection of children.
To earn the appreciation of honest critics, and endure the betrayal of false friends.
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others. 
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. 
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

God calls us to look at success in terms dramatically different from the world. "To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbour as yourself.” “ To walk justly, and love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."  In God’s view, none of it is about personal glory. It’s all about relationship with God and others. 

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