Monday, February 23, 2015

Portfolio Fun!

Yes, it's that time. Portfolio visits are happening!
(Goal is to have these submitted or completed by the end of this week or very early into next week)

 I hope you've found the checklist helpful  and a useful tool in understand what are good samples.  I still have to hear back from a few of you so please let me know your plans.

Here are a few other tips to help you feel prepared:
  • Remember if you've sent scanned copies that has taken place between November 16th and now that meets the checklist requests... no need to resend. 
  • Math - Photocopy the table of contents. Use a highlighter to indicate the chapters you've covered this term.  Compliment that with samples of your child's work.  
  • Utilize videos and photos to demonstrate learning
  • If we are meeting in person, considering having your son/daughter demonstrate their learning. I.e. playing the piano, explaining their research project, showing a new gymnastics or dance move, reading a sample of their writing or a book that they love. 
  • Online submissions: Dropbox is a great way to upload many files, or create a folder in Google Drive and share it with me.
  • Try to have a much fun as possible with it!  Remember it's about your child getting to "show off" their learning more than anything.   
As always, I hope that we can set up a time to either meet virtually or even better in person!  

Thanks in advance for the effort that you're putting into preparing these portfolios.



HCOS invites you to join us at
A Rocha Environmental Centre

Join us at A Rocha Environmental Centre for a day of interactive learning.  Explore plants and animals to see how they survive in their habitats followed by a more indepth look at the Diversity of Life across three ecosystems and how organisms adapt to their environments. Please bring a healthy lunch and water bottle as there will be a lunch break  halfway through the day. This learning camp will run rain or shine, so please wear weather appropriate clothing. Look forward to seeing you there!

Payment and registration deadline is May 15th.

HCOS invites you to join us for
Fort Langley Drama

This course will inspire young people to freely express themselves through imaginative play, creative movement and the enactment of stories.  Using a series of play-building exercises, students will gain confidence as they explore God’s wonderful gift of imagination. 
Payment and registration deadline is March 27th.  To register:

Find out about the role of art in the scientific method, especially when the creatures are sea "monsters". Join us for a presentation, followed by the 4D "Monsters" of the deep film. You will then have the rest of the day to explore the "Sea Monsters Revealed" exhibition featuring plastinated giant squid, mola mola, and other real "monsters" of the ocean. If you intend to stay and explore the aquarium after the presentation, you will want to bring a healthy snack or lunch and water bottle for each child.
**please note, this is not a drop off event, a parent must stay with their family or arrange for another parent to supervise their child(ren).
Payment and registration deadline is May 13th. Register here:

Monday, February 16, 2015

Celebrating Lent

This upcoming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lent season.

The season of Lent can be recognized in a variety of ways as we prepare for Easter.

If you are a family that is interested this year in walking through the 40 days of lent in a more reflective and meaningful way, I would like to suggest a few valuable resources.  I've come across some websites that are "kid friendly" and help with activities, resources and devotionals.

Here are a few of my favourites:


If you have a website that you would like to share with the rest of our group, please leave the link in the comment section below!



Struggling with Social Studies?  Check out this helpful website!

Learning Camp
Should you have any further questions, please contact
To Register:

Camp description:
April 8 - Animal habitat and adaptation
April 22 - Sharing the planet - nature's connections

Students will join two instructors in Delta Watershed park  to enjoy a full day of outdoor learning.  They will need to bring appropriate footwear, warm clothing, a back pack,  snack , water and lunch.  Students will engage in large group activities including co-operative games, group discussions, identification of animals and plants, hiking, and some small group activities.  Students are welcome to join for one or both of the camp dates. 

Vancouver Aquarium - School Program

30th Annual ChildRun on Sunday, May 31, 2015 and we are inviting other HCOS families to join us this year.  

We all receive an HCOS ChildRun t-shirt, plus the opportunity to meet up for some EXERCISE! 

We participated as a single family last year and it was fantastic. Half of us ran, and the other half just cheered at the finish line. Then we all ate yummy samples and enjoyed the kids activities at the end.

Visit to register, or contact me, Joanna Imoo, at if you have any questions.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Family Day!

Isn't it great having this holiday in February?  I've loved having the day to spend with friends and just enjoy a break from the routine.  I trust that you're also having a good day as a family.

Here is a devotional thought from Henri Nouwen to start off our week:

Dressed in Gentleness

Once in a while we meet a gentle person. Gentleness is a virtue hard to find in a society that admires toughness and roughness. We are encouraged to get things done and to get them done fast, even when people get hurt in the process. Success, accomplishment, and productivity count. But the cost is high. There is no place for gentleness in such a milieu.

Gentle is the one who does "not break the crushed reed, or snuff the faltering wick" (Matthew 12:20). Gentle is the one who is attentive to the strengths and weaknesses of the other and enjoys being together more than accomplishing something. A gentle person treads lightly, listens carefully, looks tenderly, and touches with reverence. A gentle person knows that true growth requires nurture, not force. Let's dress ourselves with gentleness. In our tough and often unbending world our gentleness can be a vivid reminder of the presence of God among us.

- Henri J. M. Nouwen  


Students in grades 1-8 are invited to a Spring Break musical theatre camp to present the story of Jacob. Prior to the camp, each family will receive a practice CD for the songs and theatrical line learning. Each 5-hour day during the 5-day camp, students will be singing, acting, crafts, and taking time in devotions.
Payment and registration deadline is February 12th. 
To register:
Should you have any further questions, please contact instructor Martina Ellis at or Sara Kraushar  

Bethel Worship Conference
All Heritage students should enter the word heritage at the discount code section of registration, and they will get $10 off the $40 one full day registration conference. This conference is wonderful for students waiting on the Lord for their future. If there is a group that would like to sit together, I would be more than happy to section off seating for them as well.
This is the conference video:
Here they can register:

Learning Commons
Here is the recording of Sigmund’s session on Rock and Roll Literacy. (Recording Link:   

This was a VERY inspiring session, and now that Sigmund is au fait with using Blackboard he will be back with us again in the spring before our writing contest gets going on the Ning.  We are looking forward to doing more workshops with him perhaps for next year.  Yay!!!  

Here is Natalie’s blog post on the session.