Monday, September 28, 2015

Parent Action Required!

Please note that your child's student learning plan is complete.  

This year, in order to meet audit requirements we need to have parents sign off that they have seen seen and approve of each child's Student Learning Plan.

So, how do you do this?
  1. Log in to Encom (contact if you don't have username/password)
  2. Click the icon "SLP Parent/Guardian Sign Off"

    SLP Parent/ Guardian Sign Off
If you would like anything adjusted on the Student Learning Plan please let me know.

PROOF OF WORK – First 2 Weeks of October

Last the year the audit took literally thousands of hours of time between teachers and office staff, so we’re trying to streamline the process to prove to the government that our students should be funded.

Their requirement is that since they fund our students based on our enrollment on September 30th, they want to see that our students are all doing work immediately after that date.

So, starting on October 1st I will need at least two pictures of marked work that your students have done. This will need to be done by October 14th so we’ve got a couple of weeks.

My suggestion for doing this easily is:

  1. Mark one of their math pages or timed math fact drills in a different colour pen, put a total at the top (e.g. 17/20) with a comment (e.g. Good job!) and take a picture of it and send it to me.
  2.  Mark another work sample (e.g. spelling test, comprehension sheet, printing practice), again give it a mark and a comment, and send me a picture of it.
Please make sure that the work samples are marked & dated – students should write the date on their work, as it only counts if it is clearly in the first part of October, and you should give it a mark at the top.

Of course, you’re free to do other types of work, from essays to experiments to physical education.

These, however, will likely be harder to show a date and/or a mark for, so that’s why I’m suggesting something really objective and really basic.

The government is NOT concerned with the quality of the work, or what it’s covering. They just want to see that every student they are paying for is in fact “active” in doing schooling with HCOS.

Oh, and the week that you do this, consider your update DONE!

Resource Center - Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a great skill to have your child develop as this style of writing will lay a good foundation to what in the future will become great essay writing skills.

What is it? Simply put. Persuasive writing is presenting your opinion on a certain topic, and then providing examples or reasons for your point of view.   

For younger students a lot of this can be done through a discussion based approach and then you can scribe their answers for them. 

Struggling for prompts. Check out 

For older student you can use this online persuasion map: CLICK HERE

Or consider the whole lesson plan that is found HERE.

Most children have an opinion about a topic they are interested in. Have fun discussing with your child, and then helping them explore their ideas and beliefs.  

Feel free to share with me what child creates. I would love to see examples!

A Moment of Reflection

This past weekend in the lower mainland was absolutely gorgeous.  Crsip, sunny, September days are probably some of my favourite of the year. It was a good reminder to get outdoors before the winter rains descend.

As I spent time outdoors making my way through the corn maze with friends, I was reminded of the Psalms that speak of the beauty of creation and that even creation does not deny the goodness of God.

Enjoy this upcoming week!

Psalm 96;11-12
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
12 Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Last Bit of September

A Moment of Reflection 

Image result for nothing can separate usBruce Hildebrandt - Director of Individualized Program

Romans 8:38-39 says, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow; or where we are — high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean — nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us” (TLB).
This has been one of my favourite verses for a long time.  It tells me that God will never, ever, ever, ever stop loving me. I will always be loved. Nothing can destroy my relationship with God. As I grasp this fact, it changes my life, my thoughts, and my actions. 
Some days it seems like everyone and everything is coming at you from every side.  Demands, accusations, self-doubt.  Things can feel pretty lonely. However, we are not alone. 
When you put your hand in God’s, He grasps it, and He’s never letting go.  It doesn’t matter what the world tries to tell you, how many doubts or fears you have, or how bad you might mess up. If you put your trust in Christ, He says nothing — nothing! — will separate you from His love. No matter what you face in life, you will never face it alone. 
What a wonderful assurance!  

Let’s pray for each other to hold on to that assurance no matter what happens in our lives.

Resource Corner - Creative Writing

Writing can be a lot of fun!

(Saying that, depending on your child's interest in writing, it can feel more like pulling teeth than a joyful learning experience.)

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to give some tips and resources that will hopefully give you some ideas on writing. These posts will include information on a variety of writing styles, writing prompts, and even writing rubrics that can help you and your child evaluate and improve their writing skills.

This week, my writing resource is a focus on creative writing. 

Struggling for topics or ideas?  

Around HCOS

Learning Camps and the Learning Commons

Sign up for RSS feeds for Learning Camps and the Learning Commons. That way you will receive the relevant information as it is released. 

 L4U and Overdrive Webinar - Tuesday, September 22nd

Monday, September 14, 2015

Speaking Words of Love - from Henri Nouwen's Bread for the Journey

Often we remain silent when we need to speak.  Without words, it is hard to love well.  When we say to our parents, children, lovers, or friends:  "I love you very much" or "I care for you" or "I think of you often" or "You are my greatest gift," we choose to give life.

It is not always easy to express our love directly in words.  But whenever we do, we discover we have offered a blessing that will be long remembered.  When a son can say to his father,  "Dad, I love you," and when a mother can say to her daughter, "Child, I love you," a whole new blessed place can be opened up, a space where it is good to dwell.  Indeed, words have the power to create life.

Resource Idea

Health & Career -
Does your son or daughter have a goal they would like to meet over this coming year?  

My resource tip this week is to use one of the many worksheets found on this site. Click here.  

For students learning about the 5 W's in story writing, I thought this might be a particularly

interesting one for them to use.

Remember for younger students that you could act as their scribe or they could cut out pictures to show some of their goals. 

Have fun exploring with you children some of their goals for this year whether they be academic, athletic, artistic or another! 

Around HCOS

Have you heard about the Learning Commons? Did you know as parents of HCOS you have access to a wide variety of resources, videos and may of them in e-version.

Here is a link to Learning Commons Essentials for “Newbies” - CLICK HERE

The learning commons is excited to bring you a series of Lunch n Learn webinars to share with your families.  CLICK HERE for more Information. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Exciting New Year

Summer Highlight

As many of you know, I had the opportunity to spend a few weeks this summer in Rwanda and Uganda.  It was a wonderful experience!

Above are pictures of two amazing Women of Action!  One is President of her local agricultural co-op and the other is a member of her sewing co-op.  

I'm always impressed when I meet powerful women who are using the gifts and opportunities that God has given them to further not only their own family well being, but also those within their own community.  

Each of you, a powerful Woman of Action, is being called by God this year to nurture and disciple your children through homeschooling. I want to let you know that I'll be praying for each of you, and your families.  

I hope you can share not only the challenges you are facing, but also the victories!  


WOW - Week of Welcome is taking place within HCOS.  Please look for an email from Sara Kraushar announcing the locations of an event in your community.

Memory Challenge - Does your child love to learn memory verses? Check out this group within HCSO to learn more. If you decide to join, please let me know, as this activity could be included in your child's Bible outcomes.  CLICK HERE


Thinking of how to keep track of your child's DPA?  Not sure what will work?  Need some resource ideas?

There is an app that the BC Govt has set up if you would like to use it: 

There is a weekly log on this page that might be helpful to use - just scroll down a little and you could print off those pages,

You could even use a calendar and just mark in the time each day with the name of the activity.