Monday, October 26, 2015

Season of Portfolio Discussion!

Around HCOS 

If you can believe's time to start thinking about portfolios.  

Here are a couple of things to consider:
  • It's a time to celebrate and reflect on learning that has taken place
  • Portfolios are a chance for you child to take the things they are most proud of this term and highlight it for their teacher
  • Due date: November 16th
To help all families understand what is being asked for in the portfolios, please CLICK HERE for a checklist that will walk you through the whole process. 

**Note: If you've already submitted an example that will meet the portfolio requirement, please don't duplicate.  Just remind me in our talk of the sample that will meet the checklist request.


Please contact me about a time to meet with your family (virtually or in person).  

I have time Monday to Friday, November 2 - 16th, anytime after 5 pm.

On weekends, that's November 7, 8, 14, or 15th, I also have flexibility.  


A Moment of Reflection

This past Thursday and Friday, I was privileged to attend the Willowcreek Leadership Summit. There were many fantastic speakers including Jim Collins (Good to Great), Ed Catmull (Pixar), Brene’ Brown, Hoerst Schultze, Liz Wiseman, and Bill Hybels

I want to share with you one idea from Bill Hybels talk on the Intangibles of Leadership.  He spoke of developing GRIT in people.  GRIT can be defined as unrelenting- long term tenacity.  Those that become leaders and confident individuals play hard and overcome obstacles without getting hung up on challenges.  The development of GRIT within our character requires us to walk through difficult circumstances.

It made me think about how we can develop GRIT in our children.  

Do we create opportunities where our children face adversity and challenge without having the chance to give up on the difficulty that faces them?  

Resource Center - Writing Rubrics

This focus this week is on setting our children up for success in their writing.  How can we do this?   

One way is to start using a writing rubric with them.  By using a writing rubric, you can focus your child on a skill to be developed, it will help them in assessing their own work, and it will be setting a goal that they know they can meet.  

Please note you could use the same writing rubric over multiple weeks with a focus on different line items each time.  If you are teaching writing topic sentences, then that week, just use that line item to help assess and give feedback.

Here is an example of a writing rubric that can be used for older students.  
For younger students, here is an example.

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